Category Archives: Software Tips

Force Firefox to prompt to save mp3 and videos rather than play them in the browser

You might have noticed that in a lot of Firefox versions the browser starts playing .mp3, or other sound/video formats, directly in the browser rather than displaying a prompt asking if you want to save the file. Moreover, setting the format under Tools > Options > Applications to either Always ask or Save File doesn’t really change this behavior.

Firefox Application Options

Luckily there is a workaround to alter this functionality.

  1. Enter about:config in your Firefox’s address bar and press enter.
  2. Search for
  3. Set the value of the property to false

And you are done. Now everytime you click on an .mp3 file or any other format that is supported by Windows media foundation you should get a prompt asking you if you want to save the file or if you want to open it directly.

How to disable FlashPlayerPlugin process

With the release of Flash player 11.3 Adobe has changed their player so it uses a different process when playing flash videos in the browser. The main reason for that was to ensure that if for whatever reason the flash player encounters a problem the browser will be unaffected. In some cases users expressed that the new process was causing issues for them which means that the ideal thing to do in that case is to disable flash’s protected mode.

In order to disable flash’s protected mode follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash (Windows 64-bit systems) or C:\Windows\System32\Macromed (Windows 32-bit systems) depending on what Windows bit version you are running
  2. Locate and open the file with the name mms.cfg
  3. Then simply change the line ProtectedMode line from ProtectedMode=1 to ProtectedMode=0
  4. Restart your browser

Now flash player should no longer start a separate process everytime a flash video is being played in your browser.

Lower your ping by disabling Nagle’s algorithm

By default Windows uses the Nagle’s algorithm when handling messages. That means that in order for your connection to send a message, that message needs to be at least the size of MSS (maximum segment size), which in most cases it is inefficient when dealing with small sized packets and situations that deal with real-time systems. Because these reasons disabling Nagle’s algorithm can considerably lower your latency/ping.

In order to disable Nagle’s algorithm simply following these steps:

  1. Open up the Registry Editor. Click start --> Run and type in regedit
  2. Navigate to the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces
  3. You will notice that there are a few interfaces with the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}. Simply navigate to all of them and look for clues (usually the value of DhcpIPAddress) that will indicate which is your default interface. Alternative you can do the next steps for all interfaces that are not empty if you want to disable Nagle’s algorithm on all devices.
  4. Right click on an empty space in the right window and select New –> DWORD (32-bit) Value and set its name to TcpAckFrequency. Then double click the key in order to modify it and change its value data to 1
  5. Repeat step 4 but this time set the name of the DWORD (32-bit) Value key to TCPNoDelay. Then again make sure to modify the key and change its value data to 1
  6. Restart your Windows and you are done!

Clear download list in Firefox

Firefox by default never clears the download list automatically. If you wish change the way Firefox works so it will clear the downloads either automatically upon download complete or when Firefox closes following the next steps.

  1. Type about:config in your address bar
  2. Search for
  3. Set its value to either 0, 1 or 2 depending on how you Firefox to behave

0 indicates that the download should be removed upon completion.
1 indicates that completed and canceled downloads should be removed when Firefox closes.
2 indicates that downloads should never be removed automatically. (default)